Currency study
CESP continuously monitors Médiamétrie’s Internet Global panel, the currency study for measuring internet audiences in France at the national level. This panel was set up to deliver internet audience figures for three screens (computer, smartphone and tablet).


Chair of the Internet College
Hélène Chartier
General Manager SRI
Next College
A new date will be communicated shortly
Agenda :
To be communicated shortly
Friday, September 13th 2024
This college was dedicated to the following topic :
- Main conclusions of the Global Internet Audit
- Main findings of the Equipment Barometer audit, new scoping study
- Your expectations
- Latest news
- Your questions / Your expectations
(Members only)
Internet college for 12.07.2023
#benchmarkradioaudiencemeasurement #CESPfieldcontrol #pre-audit reportcalculation #FAQ
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Read the minutes
Internet college for 17.04.2023
#Fieldcontrol #benchmark #radioaudiencemeasurement #FAQ
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Internet college for 14.12.22
#GlobalInternet#adverification analysisgrids #FAQ
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Internet college for 09.09.22
#GlobalInternet #FAQ
Read the presentation
Read the minutes
Internet college for 09.06.22 #Weborama #MargaritaZlatkova #StéphaneLévy #Kantar #ThomasZarubaCollège
Internet college for 11.03.22 #InternetGlobal #Individualizationoftabletsurfing #FAQ #Implcit #LaurentNicolas #Panels
Read the presentation
This college was dedicated to the following topics:
- Update of the benchmark on radio audience measurement
- Update on CESP field controls
Pre-audit report of CESP on the transition to a day before measurement for the calculation of the Radio audience - Your questions / Your

Ad hoc Audits
CESP has audited Comscore’s vCE tool, a solution for verifying the rolling out of digital campaigns and optimising the targeting of ad impressions. The aim of this audit was to understand the methodology deployed by Comscore and to evaluate the quality of the various data sources and the robustness of the various models used.
CESP has audited the audience measurement solution used by Nielsen for DAR online campaigns, which is commercialised in France by Médiamétrie. The aim of the audit was to offer a transparent insight into the methodology employed by Nielsen.
The monitoring of competitors’ advertising is a tool used in the industry to ascertain what campaigns have been rolled out over what periods and on which platforms and to quantify insertions (volume) and estimate gross financial outlay (value), generally on the basis of data on the media rates charged.
The impact of digitalisation on media usage and hence on the definition and measurement of audiences has radically shaken up the industry. The channels of access to content have diversified and these days all platforms and means of access need to be taken into account. The digitalisation of advertising has also opened up new avenues of media planning since advertising can now be targeted more effectively.
The scope of CESP’s activities has therefore widened to encompass new areas such as auditing real-time media planning optimisation tools for internet advertising campaigns such as Comscore’s vCE and Nielsen’s DAR, which is commercialised in France by Médiamétrie.
Comscore MMX