Category Archives: Press release

CESP Academy certified Qualiopi

At the end of an audit process led by Qualitia, CESP obtained the Qualiopi certification for its training actions ” CESP Academy “. The aim of the trainings is to share the expertise of CESP on the studies which are in the heart of the advertising trading with any person likely to use them.

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CESP publishes two audit reports : Internet Global and OUI-TSM, its etasblishment survey

In the case of the Internet Global panel, CESP noted the increase in the number of bi- or tri-measured panelists (on average 6,456) for the construction of the models used to merge the Internet panels. In addition, it attested to the quality of the management of the three panels by the Panel Relationship Management team, which ensured the continuity of measurement quality despite the health crisis while accelerating the downward trend in churn rates per panel observed since 2017.

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CESP publishes the audit reports of the 126 000 study and the Radio Panel

CESP has made available the 2020-2021 audit reports of the two currency radio audience measurements to its members : “126 000” (now EAR) and “Panel Radio”. The monitoring of the quality of the fieldworks and the analysis results attest to the good conditions under which the studies were carried out in spite of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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CESP conducted the first audit of a Marketing Mix Modeling solution with Ekimetrics

At the request of ACPM, Google, SNPTV and Union des Marques, CESP conducted an audit of Ekimetrics’ Marketing Mix Modeling studies, in particular the processes and the statistical modelling. The audit was conducted between May and August 2021 and consisted in analysing the technical documentation and performing independent calculations on real anonymised data sets

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