Category Archives: Newsletter EN

Newsletter n°31 : A breath of fresh air in outdoor advertising

Mobimétrie has just launched the new outdoor advertising audience measurement system produced by Ipsos. This innovative system is emblematic of the changes taking place in audience measurement, since it is based on a panel, learning models and third-party data. As such, it draws on various areas of expertise represented within CESP and its Scientific Committee: survey fieldwork, survey theory, statistics, data science and operational research.

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Watch out, it has started!

Gorillas in sight!

Researchers often use the invisible gorilla test to demonstrate the selective nature of attention: participants are asked to count the number of ball passes in a game of basketball and, concentrating on their counting task, they don’t see the gorilla passing among the players!

Capturing the attention of consumers and citizens has become a real challenge, given the sheer number of stimuli in our daily environment.

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Forum n°29 : Special issue on sample quality

Sampling sources : a major issue for the quality of results

In computing, GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out) is the idea that faulty or nonsensical input data produce nonsensical or “rubbish” output. This expression holds true in the world of research. The quality and reliability of the results of a measurement system depend on the quality of the input data, that is to say on the sample quality and the sampling sources in the case of a sample survey.

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